SHR sets out the risks it will focus on in its annual risk assessment 2024

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a summary of the risks it will focus on in its 2024/25 risk assessment of social landlords.

Existing Homes Alliance Budget Briefing 2025-2026

The EHA has published its budget briefing in advance of the Scottish Budget 2025-26.

Reducing the prison population- bill published

The Scottish Government has published the draft bill itended to support reduction in the prison population.

Piloting soon: Housing Options Training Toolkit for RSLs

Scotland's Housing Network are seeking expressions of interest from RSLs who wish to pilot the Housing Options Training Toolkit.

Equality and Human Rights consultation open

The Scottish Government's Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy consultation went live on 30th October. It will close on 5th February 2025.

Planning Applications Statistics 2023/2024: Annual and Quarterly (October 23 to March 24)

This official statistics publication provides data on the number, type and decision times of planning applications made to Scottish Planning Authorities during 2023/24.

Regulator publishes update on RAAC in social housing

Regulator publishes update on RAAC in social housing

East Lothian Council declares Affordable Housing Emergency

East Lothian Council declares Affordable Housing Emergency.

Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund- Progress Report

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2023-24

Information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation calls for a permanent end to the LHS freeze

Joseph Rowntree Foundation calls for permanent link of housing beenfits to private rents.

Average Scottish House price passes £200k

The latest provisional statistics from the UK HPI show that the average price of a property in Scotland in August 2024 was £200,000.

Rural Housing Scotland to close

Rural Housing Scotland (RHS), the charity dedicated to supporting Scotland’s rural communities in securing affordable local housing, is set to close its doors after over 20 years of service.

New tenants facing survival battle without basic items, finds GWSF

GWSF research highlights that community-based housing associations are finding it increasingly challenging to support new tenants due to extreme pressures on the Scottish Welfare Fund.

Housing Regulator publishes annual report and accounts for 2023/24

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published its annual report and accounts for 2023/24.

Upcoming UC Landlord Portal changes

Changes to the UC Landlord Portal will be made shortly.

CACHE launch a new report on the price of electricity in the UK

CACHE launch a new report that takes a systems-thinking approach to understanding the price of electricity in the UK .

Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) report reveals challenges in Scotland’s private rented sector

Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) have published their first report on the Scottish Private Rented Sector.

Housing Options Training Toolkit shortlisted for award

The Housing Options Training Toolkit has been shortlisted for a CIH Scotland Award.

The Provision of British Sign Language Services by social landlords in Scotland

The SHR has published its thematic review of the provision of British Sign Language services by social landlords in Scotland.

Scottish Housing Regulator – Consultation on Revised Charter Indicators

Information on the Regulator's forthcoming consultation on revised Charter Indicators.

Care & Repair Scotland – Secondment Opportunity

Care and Repair Scotland are recruiting for an interim National Director. This would be an excellent secondment opportunity for someone working within the Private Sector area.

SHN Data and Benchmarking update – Tools updated with 2023/24 SHR Data

SHN’s Data and Benchmarking Tools have now been updated with the SHR dataset for 2023/24, Using these Tools members can now compare their organisation’s performance to any other landlord in Scotland.

Innovation Challenge for Social Housing

Scottish Enterprise has announced the five projects to be funded through their Can Do Green Heat Retrofit Innovation Challenge.
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