Private Rented Sector Homelessness

Our communities of practice are a group of like minded professionals that work (or have an interest in) an area of housing practice.

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This community of practice is suitable for local authority  members and will develop your skills and knowledge to meet your statutory and regulatory duties to provide homeslessness services within the private rented sector.  This included maximising the viable options in the private rented sector for homeless or potentially homeless households.


Key Content


Managing relationships with tenants, landlords and letting agents


Establishing and delivering a social lettings agency


Working holistically across private sector services


Working to establish a private rented sector that meets need, in terms of affordability, condition, location and property type

Publications and reports

Voids as a Result of Outstanding Meter Works

Outcomes of a survey of members related to voids that are empty as a result of works outstanding to a power meter by a utility

Member Query – Right First Time Recording and Monitoring – July 2024

Responses received to a recent member query on Right First Time recording and monitoring. July 2024.

Harnessing Scotland’s Social Housing Expertise – CIOB 14th May 2024

Jocelyne Fleming, Public & Policy Affairs Officer from the Chartered Institure of Building identifies barriers to the widespread uptake of retrofit projeects within the social housing sector.

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