Local Housing Strategy

Our communities of practice are a group of like minded professionals that work (or have an interest in) an area of housing practice.

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The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) Forum supports local authority staff responsible for strategic planning to meet housing needs. This community of practice will be particularly relevant to officers and teams involved in preparing and implementing strategic plans, including Housing Need and Demand Assessments (HNDAs), Local Housing Strategies (LHSs), Strategic Housing Investment Plans (SHIPs) and Housing Contribution Statements (HCSs).  

This community of practice will aim to provide you with useful examples from across the country, highlight new research, funding sources and projects, and provide an opportunity to learn from each other.  Representatives from both the Scottish Government’s More Homes division and Centre for Housing Market Analysis attend these forums to provide support to members working in this area.   

Key Content


Best practice in preparing HNDAs


Local Housing Strategy development, including consultation with stakeholders


Strategic Housing Investment Plans (SHIPs)


Developing other associated plans, e.g. on homelessness, health and social care or energy performance


Working with other stakeholders to implement the LHS


Examples of research and projects focussed on strategic approaches to housing need and improving housing outcomes

Publications and reports

SHN Charter Performance 2023/24 Briefing Session – presentation – June 2024

Presentation by SHN on 2023/24 Charter Performance based on member data received at June 2024.

Member Responses – Allocations Policies – April 2024

Responses received to a recent member query circulated amongst our LA members on Allocations Policies. April 2024.

EESSH Voluntary Collection Template – 2023/24 Return

SHN's Voluntary Collection template for reporting year 2023/24 - issued March 2024.

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