Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund – Online Workshops

The refreshed Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund (SHNZHF) reopened for both capital and development funding on 30th August 2023. The refresh took place to ensure the Fund is offering the best support to the Social Housing Sector to decarbonise their housing stock and included changes to the application process and guidance.
Scottish Government are holding two online workshops which will give the opportunity for Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and Local Authorities to find out more about the fund, the changes and application process and ask questions. These workshops are aimed at RSLs considering heat decarbonisation projects, although third party agencies working in partnership with RSLs may also attend.
The online workshops will be held via Microsoft Teams on the following dates:
- Wednesday 27th September – 10am-11.30pm
- Wednesday 4th October – 10am-11.30pm
The agenda for the workshops is planned to be as follows:
- Background and Context to the Fund
- Introducing the Fund, eligibility criteria and changes.
- The role of third party agents
- What a “good” application looks like
- Open Discussion and questions
Please be aware the agenda is subject to change.
To register your interest and receive the invite link for the workshops, please contact the Social Housing Team via the mailbox:
In your request to register interest please clearly state which workshop you are signing up for to ensure the correct link is circulated.