Suicide Prevention in Housing

17 January 2024

Public Health Scotland are reaching out to Housing Leaders as part of the planned activity in relation to delivering Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan: Creating Hope Together which was released last year.

As part of the Year One Delivery Plan, Public Health Scotland (PHS) has been asked to collaborate with partners in high-risk settings for suicide to build effective and compassionate suicide prevention action plans.

Action 6.1 – Creating Hope Together, Year 1

Work with leaders in and across key settings to ensure existing plans are up-to-date and new plans are being developed internal (staff) and outward facing (client group) with an initial focus on criminal justice, first responders, housing/social care, construction, veterinarian.

Public Health Scotland are asking Housing Providers to complete the survey below.  The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.


Closing date for the survey is: 26th January.

For further information, please contact